
Tuesday, August 18 2009

20 Cousins + 60m Bear Crawl + 20 Pull-ups +
15 Cousins + 60m Bear Crawl + 15 Pull-ups +
10 Cousins + 60m Bear Crawl + 10 Pull-ups +
5 Cousins + 60 m Bear Crawl + 5 Pull-ups.

post time.

15x (20sec Work/10sec Rest) FSPP. Hold bb throughout (even during “rest”).

post load /lowest number of reps in any single round.


Ryan said...

what is a cousin?

Tim said...

This is where the search blog feature comes in handy. Cousins = med ball touching floor overhead lying on your back under wall ball area, sit up with momentum carrying yourself into a squat position with med ball in front rack, and from here throw 10 ft to wall ball marker, catch ball in a full squat and in doing so fall backwards into lying with ball overhead, repeat sequence