
Su Feb 28 2010

Four Legs For Legs

Equipment Needed:

1 20yd x 20yd field space
1 Slosh Pipe
1 12# Medicine Ball
1 50# Bag of Sand
2 Rings
2 Partners-in-mainstrength

10 Muscle-ups (sub 3 ring dips and 3 ring pull ups for every muscle-up not done)

Square-off a 20yd x 20yd piece of land.  Mark the corners (1,2,3, and 4) with cones.  Also, every 5 yards, place another cone, so that each side of the square has three cones in-between the corner cones, making a total of 5 cones, 5 yards apart, on each side.

Place the Slosh Pipe at Corner 1.  Place the Medicine Ball at Corner 2.  Place the Bag of Sand at Corner 3.  Leave Corner 4 empty (but for the cone).

Person A go to Corner 1.  Person B go to Corner 2.  Person C go to Corner 3.  No one goes to Corner 4 to begin with.  But that will soon change:

The rounds go like this, hard, with every person going around the square a total of 32 times (should do each exercise 4 times):

If you start the round with the Slosh Pipe (A in round 1), when the round begins, you will do twisting lunges with it to the next cone (Cone 2 in round 1), then drop the Slosh Pipe and sprint to the next cone (Cone 3 in round 1).

If you start the round with the Medicine Ball (B in round 1), when the round begins, you will do distance burpees with it to the next cone (Cone 3 in round 1), then drop the Medicine Ball and sprint to the next cone (Cone 4 in round 1).

If you start the round with the Bag of Sand (C in round 1), when the round begins, you will do reverse lunges with it to the next cone (Cone 4 in round 1), then drop the Bag of Sand and sprint to the next cone (Cone 1 in round 1).

If you start any round without either the Bag of Sand, Slosh Pipe, or the Medicine Ball (as C will do to begin round 2) then you will do suicides to the 5yd, then 10yd, then 15yd cones, before finishing with a sprint all the way to the next two cones (Cones2 and 3 in round 2).

For Time.

Scoring: If you finish your exercise and are waiting for the others to finish theirs before moving on to the next round, do sit ups AFAP.  Keep track of your sit ups, for the person with the most sit ups at the end will be the victor!

Active stretching.

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